In this 2011 survey, the authors examine the experiences of LGBT students with regard to indicators of negative school climate: hearing biased remarks, including homophobic remarks, in school; feeling unsafe in school because of personal characteristics, such as sexual orientation, gender expression, or race/ethnicity; missing classes or days of school because of safety reasons; and experiencing harassment and assault in school. They also examine: the possible negative effects of a hostile school climate on LGBT students’ academic achievement, educational aspirations, and psychological well-being; whether or not students report experiences of victimization to school officials or to family members and how these adults address the problem; and how the school experiences of LGBT students differ by personal and community characteristics. In addition, they demonstrate the degree to which LGBT students have access to supportive resources in school, and they explore the possible benefits of these resources, including: Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) or similar clubs; anti-bullying/harassment school policies and laws; supportive school staff; and curricula that are inclusive of LGBT-related topics. Given that GLSEN has more than a decade of data, the changes are examined over the time.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación