Multiple sexual partnerships are a major driver of the HIV epidemic, and yet this topic is inadequately covered in HIV prevention curricula for young people. Promoting Partner Reduction: Helping Young People Understand and Avoid HIV Risks from Multiple Partnerships is a set of activities created to address multiple partnerships, with an emphasis on those that are overlapping or concurrent (sometimes referred to as “multiple concurrent partnerships” or MCPs). This resource was designed to supplement other programs on sexuality education or HIV prevention. Promoting Partner Reduction goes beyond the simple message of "avoid multiple partners to protect oneself from HIV" and encourages participants to think about the reasons young people give for having multiple partnerships, different patterns of multiple partnerships and the impact that such partnerships have on the entire community. This innovative, field-tested resource addresses key issues related to HIV and multiple partnerships in a way that makes a complex topic accessible. Its participatory and evidence-informed approach is designed to motivate young people to change their high-risk behaviors.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación