This strategy summarises UNESCO's role in its capacity as a specialised agency of the UN. It provides a framework to guide the collective efforts of UNESCO at global, regional and country levels and describes how UNESCO will contribute to the goal of Universal Access and address current challenges in the response to HIV and AIDS. More specifically, it sets out UNESCO's contribution to the achievement of the goals of the UNAIDS Strategy and Outcome Framework 2011-2015 and UNESCO's role within the revised UNAIDS Division of Labour. The strategy sets out clear priorities for UNESCO in the coming years. It gives greater emphasis to HIV prevention in the context of wider health promotion and ensuring that all girls and boys and young women and men, both in and out of formal education, have access to comprehensive HIV education. It also prioritises support to strengthening the implementation and monitoring of education responses and addressing the gender and human rights issues that hinder effective responses to HIV and AIDS.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación