The University of Botswana, as an institution of higher learning, recognizes the HIV/AIDS epidemic as a serious threat to the well-being and continued development of the nation. The University must not only fight the spread of this deadly disease within its own community, but must also contribute to the national effort through education, research, awareness-promotion, behaviour-change and other innovative initiatives in line with the National Policy on HIV/AIDS. The University believes that its ability to accomplish its Vision and Mission depends on the health and well-being of staff and students. Without effective management, the impact of HIV/AIDS will affect staff and student productivity through illness and deaths, which will impact negatively on the overall quality ofthe work of the institution. The main goal of the University, therefore, is to promote activities that will result in an HIV free environment and develop staff and students who are compassionate, just, caring and educated to deal with this and future epidemics. The University shall be guided by the following policy objectives with respect to HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support, research and mitigation of impact: a. To provide education, information and training in HIV/AIDS prevention and to reduce the rate of new infections by promoting behaviour change. b. To provide care and support to staff and students affected and/infected with HIV so as to alleviate fear, stigma, and discrimination surrounding HIV and AIDS. c. To safeguard the rights of employees and students who are affected and/or living with HIV and AIDS. d. To promote and support research and community outreach on HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support. e. To promote the health, social and spiritual welfare of the University community. This policy applies to all employees and students of the University of Botswana.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación