FRESH School Health and Nutrition Webinar: School Health: The Changed Lanscape
Date: Tuesday, 16th April 2019
The past few years have seen a sea change in how the world invests in its young people, well beyond early childhood and all the way into their transition towards adulthood. As the World Bank's Human Capital Index shows, people are an economy's main source of wealth, yet very undervalued in low and middle-income contexts (LMICs). This underachievement of human capital is reflected in young people's health, knowledge, and resilience.
- How can school health and feeding programs contribute to efforts to help children and adolescents reach their full potential and maximize human capital in LMICs?
- How can the school health community position itself within a new investment landscape?
Commemorating World Health Day and its clarion call for universal health care, we invite co-authors of a Discussion Paper on Health, Finance, and Governance for USAID to share their knowledge and recommendations for maximizing human capital through school health.
Featured Speakers:
- Lesley Drake, PhD, Executive Director, Partnership for Child Development (PCD),
- Linda Schultz, Health, Nutrition, and Neglected Tropical Diseases consultant, World Bank
The FRESH School Health and Nutrition Webinars are monthly presentations by leading policymakers, researchers and implementers engaged in improving the health and education of children in low- and middle-income contexts.