Learnings from CSE practitioners in El Salvador, Laos and Zimbabwe: operational research report

Case Studies & Research
Plan International
51 p. + 15 p.
Title other languages
Des études tirés de la recherche opérationnelle sur l'ESC dans le Salvador, Laos et Zimbabwe: résumé
De las lecciones aprendidas de la investigación operativa de la EIS en El Salvador, Laos y Zimbabue: resumen

This report, based on research undertaken from March to December 2021, provides findings and operational guidance for the implementation of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) across Plan International and beyond. It analyses the available information and learning from CSE programming in El Salvador, Laos and Zimbabwe. It is expected that learnings from this research will contribute to the development of a global programme model for CSE. The technical and summary reports examine, and provide concrete recommendations for, the following five stages of CSE programmatic implementation: 1) Engagement/Planning; 2) Design; 3) Implementation/Delivery; 4) Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning; and 5) Sustainability/Scale-Up.

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