Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey: Vietnam Summary Report
Viet Nam Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.
Viet Nam Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.
Zambia Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.
Zimbabwe Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.
This chapter, from the publication " Social and psychosocial aspects of HIV/AIDS and their ramifications" responds to the need for relevant evidence by exploring the experiences of HIV-positive adolescent boys and girls in primary and secondary schools in Uganda from the perspectives of school of
The national Adolescent Health Strategic Plan 2011 to 2015 (ADH-SP 2011- 2015) for Zambia, seeks to outline the strategic framework for promoting the planning, organization and delivery of appropriate, accessible, efficient and effective Adolescent Friendly Health Services (ADFHS) throughout the
In every country, there is great debate about how much young people should know about sex, if and when they should be sexually active, and whether condoms and other contraceptives should be available to them. But, whatever the debates, the facts remain: young people are increasingly at risk.
This report of the UNESCO Asian Regional Planning Seminar on AIDS and Education within the School System is intended for policy-makers in Ministries of Education and Ministries of Health as well as representatives of NGOs in the Southern African Region.
This Teachers book accompanies the student's form two text book which aims to introduce a comprehensive AIDS education programme in schools that will help students develop knowledge and understanding of HIV/AIDS issues and problems.
Designed for HIV/AIDS education of students in form one in Zimbabwe and accompanied by a students book. It guides the teacher through a wide range of topics ranging from inter-personal relationships to HIV and AIDS.
This review was undertaken in recognition of the mounting public health and social problems associated with adolescent sexual behaviour and the importance of basing school-affiliated programmes designed to reduce sexual risk-taking behaviour on sound research.