"Sara" is a very popular children's educational comic strip. Sara, the charismatic heroine of the series is an adolescent girl living in urban Africa.
"Sara" is a very popular children's educational comic strip. Sara, the charismatic heroine of the series is an adolescent girl living in urban Africa.
he booklet presents the experiences of Bangladesh in planning and implementing the advocacy and IEC strategies for promoting adolescent reproductive and sexual health programmes.
The booklet presents the experiences of Malaysia in planning and implementing the advocacy and IEC strategies for promoting adolescent reproductive and sexual health programmes.
The booklet presents the experiences of Thailand in planning and implementing the advocacy and IEC strategies for promoting adolescent reproductive and sexual health programmes.
This advocacy booklet focuses on a time between health, sexuality and reproductive rights of young people.
School health education programs are needed to curb the high prevalence of STIs and unintended pregnancies among adolescents in the UK. Accurate data on knowledge levels and sexual education needs are necessary to design effective programs.
Estudio sobre comportamiento sexual de jóvenes y adolescentes del cantón de Golfito, Costa Rica. A fin de redefinir el Programa de Atención Integral a la Adolescencia (PAIA) llevado a cabo por el gobierno costarricense. Definición del proyecto de salud sexual y reproductiva para adolescentes.
The paper presents a brief review report of existing information on health needs of adolescents in Bangladesh.
The booklet presents the experiences of Iran in planning and implementing the advocacy and IEC strategies for promoting adolescent reproductive and sexual health programmes.
This is a skills-based peer education programme addressing HIV prevention and risk behaviour reduction.