Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación
At present, Malawi's urban areas indicate an HIV/AIDS prevalence rate of nearly 26%, with rural areas having a prevalence around 12%.
This study presents the impact of HIV/AIDS on primary education system in Tanzania. The impact is examined in relation to the supply of and demand for education with emphasis on the context, input, process and product of primary education in Tanzania.
This report presents the findings of an impact assessment of HIV/AIDS on primary and secondary schooling in Botswana. It was done as part of a three country study comprising Malawi and Uganda.
This paper examines one aspect of the seemingly inexorable advance of HIV/AIDS: the way it has impacted on the education sector in Eastern and Southern Africa. The paper also examines the adjustments the sector has made to the epidemic and the steps it has taken to slow down its transmission.
This paper discusses the methodology and some of the key issues of an assessment of the potential impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the education sector in South Africa, conducted by Abt Associates in 1999/2000.
HIV/AIDS not only attacks individuals. It also attacks systems. Until recently, HIV/AIDS has been perceived primarily as a health problem, which can be contained by effective health education programmes.
Analyses and responses to the HIV epidemic remain rooted in a mind set which while it was relevant 5 or more years ago may no longer be so. Or at least what is written, said, thought and done about the development implications of the HIV epidemic are no longer sufficient.
This guide comes in one volume and is meant for use by teachers in the upper primary school (that is primaries five and six) in the following four subjects: Agriculture, English Language, Science and Social studies.
The Nigerian Population/Family Life Education Programme focuses on equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to effectively deal with problems such as decline in sexual morality, and the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS.