Annotated bibliography of young people’s sexual and reproductive health
The bibliography includes literature on young people's sexual and reproductive health for investigators undertaking research in less developed countries.
The bibliography includes literature on young people's sexual and reproductive health for investigators undertaking research in less developed countries.
Deux décennies se sont écoulées depuis l'apparition du virus de l'immunodéficience humaine ( VIH). Depuis lors, le VIH /SIDA s'est propagé très diligemment dans les pays en développement.
This document describes the challenges HIV and AIDS pose to higher education isntitutions in SADC countries from a theological, ethical and cultural perspective.
Este manual constituí em grande parte uma tradução de outro manual de Républica Centro-Africana " La pévention du SIDA en milieu scolaire ".
O ponto central destes cadernos é constituído por uma série de técnicas para trabalhar com homens jovens em grupos. Estas atividades foram desenvolvidas e testadas com grupos de 15 a 30 participantes.
Skills-based health education for HIV prevention provides learners with the knowledge and skills they need to avoid HIV infection and maintain reproductive health.
This UNICEF working paper presents new ideas, innovative approaches, case studies, bibliographies and research results for the purpose of facilitating the rapid exchange of knowledge and perspectives among field officers and to stimulate discussions on gender and HIV/AIDS issues.
The report documents an effort of UNDP South East Asia HIV and Development Project in collaboration of FAO and the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to mainstream HIV resilience building in the agricultural sector through an experiment called Farmer Life Schools (FLS).
The handbook is comprised of eight interrelated yet separate booklets, each addresses a particular evaluation need. These booklets address evaluation of HIV policy, HIV curricula, HIV staff development programmes, and HIV-related student outcomes.
The guide provides a comprehensive methodology for developing materials for low-literate audiences in the context of a behavior change communication (BCC) programme.