Comprehensive school health promotion: a guidebook for school health coordinators
This guide provides a basic understanding about why and how comprehensive school health should be promoted in schools.
This guide provides a basic understanding about why and how comprehensive school health should be promoted in schools.
Learning About Healthy Living - An Activity Manual for Outreach Workers is a document developed by Family Health International in Lao PDR and funded by USAID in 2007. The manual illustrates the experiences of outreach workers in Lao PDR.
2006, Stonewall asked young people from Great Britain who are lesbian, gay, bisexual (or think they might be) to complete a survey about their experiences at school. The survey received 1145 responses from young people at secondary school.
Every child in every school has the right to learn free from the fear of bullying, whatever form that bullying may take. Everyone involved in a child's education needs to work together to ensure that this is the case.
In Europe, school is where young lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer people face the most discrimination.
La homofobia y el sexismo están sirviendo de doble forma para acosar e intimidar a los chicos y chicas más vulnerables: por una parte, se persiguen todas las rupturas de género y sexualidad de todos, independientemente de su orientación sexual y género.
An evaluation of the Pride & Prejudice program, which ran in three Tasmanian schools in 2006, suggests that students who completed the program had more positive attitudes towards gay men and lesbians.
This e-book builds on the discussions from five online conferences that brought together experts, professionals and others interested in the topic of school bullying and violence from throughout the world.
Guidelines and life skills education module for the prevention of HIV and AIDS for junior secondary teachers (SMP) or equivalent in Bahasa Indonesia.