The potential contribution of schooling to rolling back HIV and AIDS
Increasing the salience of schooling in countering the AIDS epidemic suggests the need to confront many of the challenges posed by current education and school systems.
Increasing the salience of schooling in countering the AIDS epidemic suggests the need to confront many of the challenges posed by current education and school systems.
The ZAWECA HIV/AIDS Peer Education Project was a two-year collaborative project between the University of the Western Cape and the University of Zambia funded by the South Africa Norway Tertiary Education Development Programme.
This report summarizes the findings of a baseline survey of HIV/AIDS and reproductive health (RH) knowledge, attitudes and behavior among youth in a sample of schools participating in the SHAPE 2 Project peer education program directed by World Education, Ghana, in collaboration with the Ghana Ed
This report documents the findings and recommendations of a three-week short-term assignment in October 2004, commissioned by the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and the Botswana Training Authority (BOTA) to provide them with input on knowledge management concerning mainstreaming the HIV/AIDS
Le but de la stratégie nationale est de contribuer à améliorer la santé en général, la santé de la reproduction en particulier, et le bien-être des adolescent(e)s/jeunes. Trois objectifs généraux sont retenus: 1.
The study focuses on the management and diffusion of HIV/AIDS information in institutions of higher learning in South Africa. The HIV/AIDS policy for educators, learners and students provided a strong foundation on government involvement on HIV/AIDS management in higher education.
We examine how school attendance and nutritional status differ between orphaned and fostered children, and between children of HIV-infected parents and non-HIV-infected parents in Kenya.
The vocational training (VT) sector has an important role to play in HIV/AIDS prevention and in impact mitigation.The young adults this sector works with not only represent the human capital that their country's future economic growth depends upon, but also the age group most at risk of HIV/
This is a report of the situation analysis, needs assessment and advocacy activities of the community/school linkages in HIV/AIDS carried out at Serenje Boma Basic and Kafue Day High Schools.Under coordination of the Zambia National Commission for UNESCO, Zambia was selected to take part in the S