Study on knowledge, attitude and behaviour towards HIV/AIDS in the vocational training sector
The research on Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviour towards HIV/AIDS in the Vocational Training Sector was carried out from January to March 2005.
The research on Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviour towards HIV/AIDS in the Vocational Training Sector was carried out from January to March 2005.
The HIV and AIDS training kit is a user-friendly guide to build capacity in education sector professionals who have responsibility for the implementation of their country's education sector policy on HIV and AIDS. The kit consists of three sections.
This book is designed by the NGO "Young people we care" to encourage and help groups of young people to support younger children, their peers and adults who are living in communities and households affected by AIDS. It was published in 2005 in Zimbabwe.
Le Programme Pilote Intégré Education VIH/SIDA et NTIC en abrége PPIE-VIH/SIDA et NTIC résulte de la volonté du gouvernement et du PNUD de lutter contre le SIDA dans le secteur de l'éducation de base en se servant des NTIC comme supports.
The UFS is committed to addressing HIV and AIDS in a positive, supportive and non-discriminatory approach by providing resources and leadership to implement HIV and AIDS University-based, as well as community outreach programmes.GOAL AND OBJECTIVES OF THE POLICYGOAL: To assist the UFS in respondi
A review of social protection mechanisms for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in the education sector in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) was commissioned by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in 2005.
Evidence shows that African education systems are being impacted by the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
This paper examines institutional governance with specific reference to how African universities are addressing the challenge of HIV and AIDS.
L'objectif général de cette politique est de contribuer à la lutte contre les IST/VIH/SIDA au niveau de l'Institut Polytechnique Rural de Formation et de Recherche Appliquée, à Katibougou et par extension dans les établissements scolaires et les écoles militaires de Koulikoro.Les axes p
The project aims to determine the magnitude of the impact on and the implications of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the University of the Free State (UFS), while, in the process informing its response to the epidemic.