African universities responding to the challenge of HIV and AIDS
This powerpoint is an address given on African Universities responding to HIV and AIDS at Uganda Martyrs' University, in February 2009.
This powerpoint is an address given on African Universities responding to HIV and AIDS at Uganda Martyrs' University, in February 2009.
In an attempt to fill the knowledge gaps on the impact of care and support strategies for orphans and vulnerable children, MEASURE Evaluation is conducting targeted evaluations of five OVC programs in five unique settings, two in Kenya and three in Tanzania.
Increasing adult mortality due to AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa raises considerable concerns about the welfare of surviving children. Studies have found substantial variability across countries in the negative impacts of orphanhood on child health and education.
This resource is part of IPPF's Inspire pack, which offers standards, guidelines and self-assessment guidance on a variety of strategies and activities that contribute to rights-based and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health programming for young people.
Malawi has had a rising population of orphans and vulnerable children who are reported to lack care, food, educational opportunities and adult role models.
Recent evidence suggests that conditional cash transfer programs for schooling are effective in raising school enrollment and attendance. However, there is also reason to believe that such programs can affect other outcomes, such as the sexual behavior of their young beneficiaries.
Ce rapport effectue un point sur la situation spécifique des adolescents en Afrique de l’Ouest, leurs besoins et droits à la santé, la nécessité de développer des programmes appropriés en éducation à la vie affective et sexuelle et prévention des infections sexuellement transmissibles.
Ce rapport d'enquête a pour objectif de favoriser le processus d'intégration sociale des enseignants de l'école primaire vivant avec le VIH/SIDA aussi bien dans leur milieu professionnel que dans la communauté rwandaise en luttant contre leur stigmatisation et leur discrimination.
The general objective of the study was to define the content of sexuality counselling and assess factors influencing the quality of counselling that contributes to improved sexual health.
The AIDS Mitigation Initiative to Enhance Care and Support in Bukavu, Lubumbashi and Matadi (AMITIE) Project was a four-year community-led, cross-sectoral project to reduce transmission and mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS in three of Democratic Republic of the Congo's (DRC) major urban c