A practical guide to developing and implementing school policy on diet and physical activity
The guide builds on the World Health Organization (WHO) School Policy Framework on Diet and Physical Activity.
The guide builds on the World Health Organization (WHO) School Policy Framework on Diet and Physical Activity.
Men are changing. Case study evidence on work with men and boys to promote gender equality and positive masculinities is a document that aims to strengthen and broaden the evidence base on working with men and boys.
The purpose of writing the addendum is to give visibility of Higher Education and Technical and Vocational Education Training in the ESSP - HA (2008 – 2012). The focus of this addendum is HE and TVET institutions, a population which is at risk for and vulnerable to HIV and STIs infection.
No inquérito sobre conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas em relação ao VIH/SIDA realizado em 2008 na Guiné-Bissau, apesar do nível de percepção sobre o SIDA situar-se acima de 90%, foram encontrados 12% de homens e 33% de mulheres que disseram ter já ouvido falar do SIDA, mas que desconhecem as form
This document focuses on health clubs, which consists of a group of students/pupils who: - Are determined to control and prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS through peer education, life skills education and sexual reproductive health; - Have decided to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS and help other p
The HIV and Teacher Education Pilot Project was initiated under HEAIDS Phase 2 and was premised on the critical importance of the capacity of the education and training system to deal with the challenges posed by teaching and learning in an HIV/AIDS affected and infected society.
Réaliser par Jérose Eloundou dans la ville de Yaoundé et ses environs "Au Nom de l'Amour" est la traduction en images et en son des préoccupations actuelles de la société camerounaise, face aux erreurs de la jeunesse et la pandémie du SIDA.
Within the Department of Basic Education (DBE) this integrated strategy is currently being developed in accordance with the National Strategic Plan (NSP) and with new thinking globally on rolling back HIV and AIDS.
The first section of this document outlines the background context.
The 15 Ministers of Education associated with the Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ) have been concerned for a number of years about the lack of well-designed objective indicators that can be used to guide an informed debate about the effectiveness