Towards health promoting schools in Africa: an examination of selected health issues in African universities and schools
This paper will provide an overview of the HIV/AIDS situation globally and in Africa.
This paper will provide an overview of the HIV/AIDS situation globally and in Africa.
Documento que describe un proyecto de educación de pares aplicado en escuelas de barrios marginales de Córdoba, Argentina y que tuvo como objetivo: "Incorporar la prevención del VIH/SIDA en el Sistema Educativo Formal y en su contexto barrial en la Ciudad de Córdoba".
This document presents the plan of action for mainstreaming gender into the Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health & HIV/AIDS Reduction in Nigeria (PSRHH) programme.
Descripción de la campaña "Házte la Prueba" realizada por la Organización Panamericana de la Salud y Comunicación Positiva. Es una campaña de fomento a la realización de pruebas de detección de VIH.
National Curriculum Statement Grades 10-12. Life Orientation Grade 11 Learner Workbook and Teacher Guide are two complementary documents developed by the Department of Education of Republic of South Africa in 2007.
Esta revista foi elaborada pela N'Weti, uma ONG moçambicana apoiada pela Soul City Institute. E um material educativo destinado aos professores e aos profissionais de educaçao para enriquecer a formaçao das crianças. Trata-se do livro "Os bradas" - O amanha começa hoje.
This training guide emphasizes an integrated approach to counseling youth during HIV testing. It features interactive exercises, participant practice sessions, PowerPoint slides, and other training tools.
This document explains the procedures followed and lessons learnt in setting up an HIV and AIDS website within the Ministry of Education in Nambia.
The purpose of this document is to give guidelines on the steps and rational behind the need to have curriculum integration and capacity building in tertiary institutions.
The Greater Mekong sub-Regional Workshop on Strengthening the Education Sector Response to School Health, Nutrition (SHN) and HIV&AIDS Programmes took place from the 5th to the 9th March 2007, in Siem Reap, Cambodia.