Researching gender: explorations into sexuality and HIV/AIDS in African contexts
The author demonstrates that collaborating with children using a gender-sensitive life-cycle approach yields social and health dividends.
The author demonstrates that collaborating with children using a gender-sensitive life-cycle approach yields social and health dividends.
The HE HIV/AIDS Programme (HEAIDS) is South Africa's nationally co-ordinated, comprehensive and large-scale effort designed to develop and strengthen the capacity, the systems, and the structures of all HEIs in managing and mitigating the causes, challenges and consequences of HIV/AIDS in th
Bodies Count AIDS Review 2006 discusses the role of education and the response of the educational system to HIV and AIDS. It has long been believed that schools were one of the most effective places to address HIV and AIDS.
The HIV/AIDS Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea has been widely distributed throughout the country. In 2006 the HIV/AIDS/STIs Implementation Plan 2007-2012 for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea was developed.
Folleto educativo de prevención del VIH dirigido a público general, publicado en la prensa peruana por el Ministerio de Salud y CONAMUSA.
During a research period of two months in Guyana, the EFAIDS programme was evaluated looking at its effects in a broader social context. In this study data was collected through semi-structured interviews and participatory observations during EFAIDS training workshops.
The study described here explores, for three regions with generalized HIV and AIDS epidemics, the impact of the epidemic on teacher supply now and up to 2015, the target date for the achievement of education for all.
The paper outlines a background to the current social, health, sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and HIV and AIDS status of young people, and the magnitude and impacts of the AIDS epidemic with specific focus on young people's vulnerability to HIV infection.
L'objectif global de la politique est de contribuer à la réduction de taux de prévalence des IST curables et maintenir celui de VIH/SIDA actuel au sein de la communauté universitaire en renforçant la sensibilisation et conformément au cadre stratégique national qui consiste à inciter chaque
The education sector is crucial to any national response to the world epidemic of HIV and AIDS. The school age years, about 5 to15 years, make up the cross section of any population with the lowest prevalence of HIV infection. This is the "Window of Hope".