A national study of LGBT educators' perceptions of their workplace climate
This research provides important information on how to create climates where all educators feel safe, protected and valued within their schools.
This research provides important information on how to create climates where all educators feel safe, protected and valued within their schools.
The author argues that the interests of transgendered children are being ignored by the Department for Children, Schools and Families [UK] and that the publication of guidance on homophobic bullying only serves to highlight deficiencies in the way these children are excluded within the education
From a worldwide assessment to explore the needs for a Global Association for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) Education, it became clear all respondents want to exchange their good practices.
Este estudio pretende ayudarnos a identificar los conocimientos, las actitudes y las prácticas que un sector de la población tiene con respecto a los gay y lesbianas en Costa Rica, que aunque no necesariamente es el punto de partida de un análisis profundo de estos comportamientos, sí nos refleja
This report was commissioned by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) on behalf of the National Department of Education (NDoE). Its main purpose is to provide an analysis of the education sector's contribution to the HIV and AIDS response in PNG.
Sistematización de talleres desarrollados por Red de Masculinidad por la Igualdad de Género en Nicaragua para niños, adolescentes y jóvenes sobre el tema de la masculinidad con el objetivo de derribar mitos y prejuicios, abordándolo desde una perspectiva de derechos humanos e igualdad de género.
Ce document est une synthèse d'évaluation faite par le BIE. Mon bouclier contre le SIDA au CM1 est un manuel destiné à l'élève du CM1 au Tchad.
Ce document est une synthèse d'évaluation faite par le BIE. « Mon bouclier contre le sida au CE2 » est un manuel destiné à l'élève du CE2 au Tchad.
Ce document est une synthèse d'évaluation faite par le BIE. Mon bouclier contre le sida au CM2 est un manuel destiné à l'élève du CM2 au Tchad.
The Life orientation programme is designed for young adolescents to equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed choices about sexual matters. It consists of an educator's guide and a learner's workbook, developed for Grade 9 students.