L’hygiène et la santé dans les écoles primaires
La brochure est destinée aux différents professionnels qui participent à la vie de l'école.
La brochure est destinée aux différents professionnels qui participent à la vie de l'école.
In line with the Revised National Policy Document on HIV and AIDS in Guyana (2006) the Ministry of Education (MOE) seeks to play its part in the multisectoral response that is needed if the epidemic is to be overcome.
This guidance has been devised to support local authorities and schools, and managers of grant-aided schools, in working with partner agencies to meet the duty to ensure that all schools are health promoting. The guidance provides signposting to the policy framework that is already in place.
This document proposes a national strategy for school health and nutrition in Ethiopia.
This Education Sector School Health, Nutrition and HIV and AIDS Strategic plan (2008-2012) has been drafted in line with the newly produced Education Sector Policy on School Health, Nutrition and HIV and AIDS.
Para consolidar la transformación de nuestra sociedad, la educación y la salud son instrumentos necesarios para el desarrollo nacional, y base para combatir la pobreza y la desigualdad.
Marco general para implementación de la Estrategia Nacional para la Infancia y Adolescencia en Uruguay. Recoge propuestas de diversos actores de la sociedad y el Estado. Analiza la sustentabilidad demográfica, social y democráctica desde el punto de vista de la niñez y adolescencia uruguaya.
The Ministry of Education Policy, Educating our Future, recognizes the fact that good health and nutrition is an essential pre-requisite for effective learning.