Adolescents and HIV/AIDS
The fact sheet presents the fact on HIV/AIDS among youth aged 13 to 24 in the United States and recommends effective strategies that may reduce sexual risk behaviours and prevent HIV and other STIs.
The fact sheet presents the fact on HIV/AIDS among youth aged 13 to 24 in the United States and recommends effective strategies that may reduce sexual risk behaviours and prevent HIV and other STIs.
The following 'think piece' is a collection of observations selected principally from a very rapid September 2003 tour of Malawi, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda, recent fieldwork in Botswana, Rwanda and Zimbabwe, and UNESCO Nairobi cluster workshops on education and teachers hel
IIEP and its partner ministries of education launched the collaborative action research programme was launched in 2003. This initiative is designed to contribute to mitigation and prevention of the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in three countries - Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda.
Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health in Morocco. Status, Issues, Policies, and Programs is a report written by J. Beamish and L.T. Abderrazik for the POLICY Project, on behalf of the Asia/Near East Bureau of USAID.
This policy document provides an overview of Kenya's HIV and AIDS situation, the policies put in place by the Kenyan Government to contain the disease and Highridge's response to the epidemic.
Technology resources increasingly link professionals working with reproductive health and HIV prevention programmes in developing countries. These same resources -- e-mail, CD-ROMs, listservs, the Internet, radio, and television -- hold great promise for reaching youth as well.
This paper explores possibilities of integrating HIV/sex education into the school education framework. Various attributes of adolescents' vulnerability to HIV infection are discussed.
This study is intended to provide an analytical framework to assist educational decisionmakers of sub-Saharan Africa and their partners in assessing the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on educational quality.
This document presents the activities of a joint programme, the UNAIDS Interagency Task Team (IATT), to help accelerate the education sector response to HIV/AIDS as an essential contribution to achieving EFA goals.
The gains of Education for All, 1990 2000 (EFA) are being undone by the AIDS pandemic, particularly in Southern Africa. Nevertheless, most countries in the region, as elsewhere, do not yet factor the influence of AIDS into education planning.