Women and girls living with HIV/AIDS: overview and annotated bibliography
Women's social, economic, and legal disadvantage is exacerbated by a positive HIV status, and vice versa.
Women's social, economic, and legal disadvantage is exacerbated by a positive HIV status, and vice versa.
This declaration is the conclusion of the special session on the response of the education sector to HIV & AIDS. It was written at the meeting of Ministers of Education of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, participating in a meeting in Roseau (Dominica), the 27th January 2007.
You, Your Life, Your Dreams is a book that helps young people make informed decisions about their sexual lives. Easy to read and visually attractive, it provides accessible, objective, and urgently-needed information on a broad range of sexual and reproductive health issues.
This guide serves to reinforce the benefits of working with young men and provides conceptual and practical information on how to design, implement and evaluate HIV prevention activities which incorporate a gender perspective and engage young men and relevant stakeholders.
The purpose of the document is to provide guidelines to the University with regard to the institution's response to HIV and AIDS with specific reference to its ability to continue functioning thereby preventing HIV and AIDS from undermining its potential to operate and deliver mandated servi
This ICHA Fact Sheet (#6) aims at briefly describing the Ministry's financial procedures for strengthening Cambodia's Response to HIVand AIDS Programme.
In The Gambia HIV/AIDS is regarded as a major development issue even though its prevalence rate has remained relatively low.
The Safe Schools Program has just released the Student and Teacher Baseline Report on School-Related Gender-Based Violence in Machinga District, Malawi which details the methodology, population characteristics, and results of a recently conducted survey on gender-based physical, psychological and
This model is designed to help SADC governments develop an integrated single comprehensive policy on violence against girls. It can be adapted to suit the local context
As national Ministries of Education, with support from the international donor community, begin making partial strides towards the Millennium Development Goals, the significant issue of school-related violence is largely absent from national education plans and from the priorities of donors.