Working-age adult mortality and primary school attendance in rural Kenya
The rapid increase in adult mortality due to the AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa raises great concern about potential intergenerational effects on children.
The rapid increase in adult mortality due to the AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa raises great concern about potential intergenerational effects on children.
This guide is based on recent research into sexuality education and health promotion in Sweden and focuses on sexuality and personal relationships for the planning and implementation of teaching programmes.
The country's Higher Education Sector appears to be particularly badly affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic, with some estimates indicating that infection levels amongst undergraduates might be as high as 1 in 4.
Despite the evident effects of the epidemic on the education sector, there has been no systematic research to look at its impact on education governance in Uganda, in terms of the performance of the descriptive and prescriptive roles of the different actors in the sector.
The main aim of this study was to assess training needs for educational planners and managers in the context of HIV/AIDS in Kenya.The Kenyan government's overall policy goal for primary education is to achieve Universal Primary Education (UPE) by 2005, which is consistent with the Dakar comm
This review studies a total of 33 policies and policy-related plans, strategies, and guidelines were reviewed for the Mainland and 14 for Zanzibar.
IIEP and its partner ministries of education launched the collaborative action research programme was launched in 2003. This initiative is designed to contribute to mitigation and prevention of the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in three countries - Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda.
This toolkit was published by Save the Children in 2004. It presents the peer education as one of the solution for children and adolescents' needs on skills and information on how to protect their sexual and reproductive health and reduce their vulnerability to HIV and AIDS.
IIEP and its partner ministries of education launched the collaborative action research programme was launched in 2003. This initiative is designed to contribute to mitigation and prevention of the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in three countries - Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda.
HEAIDS commissioned this audit to assess the range of HIV and AIDS services, activities and interventions in each of the 35 Higher Education Institutions in South Africa against the programme framework and its indicators.