You, your life, your dreams : a book for adolescents
The book was written for adolescents aged 14 to 19, to help them cope with challenges and decisions they may face during the transition period from childhood to adulthood.
The book was written for adolescents aged 14 to 19, to help them cope with challenges and decisions they may face during the transition period from childhood to adulthood.
Ce document fait partie d'une série de livret élaboré par l'UNESCO dans le cade du Projet Spécial UNESCO/DANIDA pour les femmes et les filles en Afrique. Ces livrets sont destinés aux femmes néo-alphabétisées et aux filles non scolarisées.
The handbook guides you through the development of behaviour change communication (BCC) projects using a strategy developed by the AIDS Control and Prevention (AIDSCAP) Project of Family Health International.
The handbook is meant to help field level planners and implementors conduct simple, effective pretests of BCC materials for HIV/AIDS prevention.
The handbook is meant to help organizations implement HIV/AIDS care and support projects using behaviour change communication techniques.
Documento que describe una metodología para la elaboración de programas educativos llamada "Cadena de Cambios". En este caso está centrada en la educación para la prevención del contagio de VIH.
Social, personal and health education (SPHE) provides students with a unique opportunity to develop the skills and competence to learn about themselves and to care for themselves and others and to make informed decisions about their health, personal lives, and social development.
Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities can be very effective in changing high-risk behaviours. This guide describes the steps in HIV/AIDS IEC planning, implementation and evaluation.
This is a do-it-yourself manual to assist concerned government officials and members of civil society to design and implement their own advocacy initiatives.
The document presents a review of existing and available literature on adoelscent boys and their health development and analysis of this research for programme and policy implications. The document also describes what is special about adolescent boys and their developmental and health needs.