Most at Risk Young People Survey Cambodia 2010
Cambodia's Most at Risk Young People Survey (MARYPS) 2010 is a follow up survey of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey conducted in 2004.
Cambodia's Most at Risk Young People Survey (MARYPS) 2010 is a follow up survey of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey conducted in 2004.
A growing body of evidence exists to demonstrate what constitutes an effective school-based sexuality education programme.
Over the past decade, Pacific Island countries have seen a rapid increase in HIV related activities that have largely been disconnected from broader sexual and reproductive health (SRH) activities.
This review assesses HIV and AIDS education activities in the Mongolia education sector using the assessment criteria of the sector's policy response and preparedness.
This report represents a baseline for knowledge, attitude and practice of sexual and reproductive health indicators in the adolescent girls of two target districts of Gujranwala and Sanghar and to assess the demand for reliable Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) knowledge and services.
This strategic document, which was produced by Pakistan’s Ministry of Education in co-operation with UNESCO, provides information pertaining to the establishment and development of school health programmes (SHP) in Pakistan as a strategic approach towards improving overall health and education.
This paper reviews and describes research practices and program interventions addressing the sexual and reproductive health of very young adolescents (VYA) and identifies promising program components and research/evaluation practices.
The Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2009- 2009-2013 review aims to ensure linkages between education policies and strategies with development programs and actions as well as between planning and budgeting.
This study is a part of the operational research which includes mapping and size estimation of female drug users, which forms the first key step in developing targeted interventions for this highly vulnerable key population.
This final report of a reproductive health project for adolescents in 4 villages in the district of Penjikent (north-western Tajikistan) summarizes 12 months of activities conducted from May 2009 to April 2010.