Open your eyes or be blind forever, Namibia
This booklet is one of a series prepared during the UNESCO training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV and AIDS prevention for Southern African countries.
This booklet is one of a series prepared during the UNESCO training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV and AIDS prevention for Southern African countries.
The 2003 National HIV/AIDS and Reproductive Health Survey (NARHS) is a nationally representative survey of 10 000 respondents consisting of 5 128 women aged 15-49 years and 4 962 men aged 15-64 years.
The handbook is a guide for conducting a technical assessment of the potential for private-sector youth reproductive health interventions. It is meant to assist those interested in helping the private sector serve youth reproductive health better.
Recognizing the gap between the rhetoric and the reality of informed choice, EngenderHealth developed an expanded conceptual framework for informed and voluntary sexual and reproductive health (SRH) decision making, which is the basis of this practical tool kit.
The purpose of this document is to provide clarification for school feeding (SF) focal points and HIV/AIDS focal points on how to integrate HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention education activities into SF programmes. It presents a menu of ideas to do this.
Recent studies in Tanzania show that a large percentage of adolescents have had experiences with drugs or substances like tobacco and alcohol at a low age. At the same time they lack basic knowledge about the effects and dangers of its consumption. This ignorance often puts them at risk.
The HIV epidemic has transformed the childhood, youth and adulthood of millions globally. Over three million children and 38 million adults are infected with HIV worldwide.
The handbook provides tools and strategies that anyone can use to advocate for the reproductive rights of women and girls everywhere.
The paper examines what role social franchising might have in expanding reproductive health and HIV services for youth.
Education Ministers and representatives from forty-eight Commonwealth countries met in Edinburgh from 27-30 October 2003 for the 15th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (15CCEM). One of the six action areas discussed was mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS in Education.