Life planning skills: a curriculum for young people in Africa, Uganda Version
This curriculum is designed to help youth in Uganda face the challenges of growing up. The set includes a facilitator's manual and a workbook for participants.
This curriculum is designed to help youth in Uganda face the challenges of growing up. The set includes a facilitator's manual and a workbook for participants.
This programme is included in the Source Book of HIV/AIDS Prevention Program that presents 13 cases studies of good and promising practices of HIV/AIDS prevention programs in Sub-Saharan Africa.
This summary is based on the seven-chapter publication "14 and Younger: the Sexual Behavior of Young Adolescents" - the work of seven teams of investigators examining three nationally-representative data sets and three smaller data sets.
This curriculum has been developed to assist individuals to have a clear and factual view of humanity; to provide them with the information and skills necessary for rational decision-making about their sexual health; to change behaviour; and to prevent HIV infection.
The African Perspectives discussion series is a multi-year initiative, conceived by the Africa-America Institute, to provide a means through which Africans can discuss and debate policy issues among themselves and inform and shape U.S. and Western policies toward Africa.
Namibia has been independent for more than ten years, and the nature of the struggle facing our country has changed. The fight is no longer for freedom from political domination, but against HIV/AIDS.HIV/AIDS is a continuing, critical public health issue.
This publication highlights a pilot project of UNESCO that seek to empower marginalized adolescent girls in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan through a broad-based capacity building programme.
The paper uses a combination of questionnaire data and children's drawings to explore the reasons contributing to temporary and permanent absence from school of orphans, children from disjointed families and children who live with both parents.
The report, jointly published by the Alan Guttmacher Institute and UNFPA, reviews and evaluates current approaches to measuring the costs and benefits of investment in health services.
This manual is helpful for the people who work in an NGO, a health facility, a water and sanitation programme, or any other project where we need to change behaviour. It starts with the idea that one can only help people to change if they put themselves in the shoes of others.