Life Skills for Young Ugandans - Facilitators Handbook to accompany the Primary and Secondary School Training Manual
This handbook was developed to accompany the Life Skills Training Manuals used in Uganda.
This handbook was developed to accompany the Life Skills Training Manuals used in Uganda.
This document is one of the materials developed during the course of the "Kafue Adolescent Reproductive Health Project" (KARHP) in Zambia. It is designed to train and guide parents and older educators in leading community-based education sessions with community members.
HIV counseling is an important component of HIV/AIDS prevention. Evaluations from Uganda and Rwanda demonstrated this.
This randomized controlled community trial aimed to see whether an education program could reduce children's risk of contracting HIV and improve their tolerance of people living with HIV and AIDS.
This paper documents how young men and women in Cameroon vary in the way they conduct their sexual lives as well as in the reproductive health risks they take. Consideration is given to gender differentials in patterns of sexual initiation, number of regular and casual partners, and condom use.