You, your life, your dreams : a book for adolescents
The book was written for adolescents aged 14 to 19, to help them cope with challenges and decisions they may face during the transition period from childhood to adulthood.
The book was written for adolescents aged 14 to 19, to help them cope with challenges and decisions they may face during the transition period from childhood to adulthood.
AIDS, other sexually transmitted infections, and unintended pregnancies have reached critical levels in sub-Saharan Africa, creating a need for innovative prevention programs for vulnerable groups.
The GTZ supported Reproductive Health Project of Tanzania developed youth-friendly education materials, with basic facts about human physiology and reproduction, sexuality, prevention of unwanted pregnancies and HIV/STIs, as well as about partnership and communication between partners.
The GTZ supported Reproductive Health Project of Tanzania developed youth-friendly education materials, with basic facts about human physiology and reproduction, sexuality, prevention of unwanted pregnancies and HIV/STIs, as well as about partnership and communication between partners.
The report highlights the need to continue efforts to create broad-based support for reproductive health programs, improve coordination among stakeholders, strengthen NGOs so that they can effectively participate in the policy process, and enhance the financial sustainability of programs.
The objectives of this reproductive health policy are: 1. To enhance reproductive health information and service provision so that all individuals and couples will be able to achieve their reproductive intentions while upholding their reproductive rights; 2.
The publication provides a detailed review of national laws and policies affecting women in seven francophone African countries. One part of the country review focuses on the rights of special group: female minors and adolescents.
The sheet highlights the Tsa Banana project in Botswana. It focuses on social marketing of reproductive health services to youth.
This guide provides step-by-step information on designing a participatory appraisal with adolescents to analyze their sexual and reproductive health-related concerns, and on using participatory learning and action (PLA) tools for this analysis.
This study provides examples of successful strategies for motivating adolescents to avoid unprotected intercourse in order to reduce the incidence of unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV of adolescents in Zambia.