A time between: Health, sexuality and reproductive rights of young people
This advocacy booklet focuses on a time between health, sexuality and reproductive rights of young people.
This advocacy booklet focuses on a time between health, sexuality and reproductive rights of young people.
School health education programs are needed to curb the high prevalence of STIs and unintended pregnancies among adolescents in the UK. Accurate data on knowledge levels and sexual education needs are necessary to design effective programs.
The paper presents a brief review report of existing information on health needs of adolescents in Bangladesh.
The booklet presents the experiences of Iran in planning and implementing the advocacy and IEC strategies for promoting adolescent reproductive and sexual health programmes.
This is a skills-based peer education programme addressing HIV prevention and risk behaviour reduction.
This document has been developed by The Partnership for Child Development in collaboration with other agencies, including UNICEF, The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, WHO, USAID, PAHO and The World Bank. It has been field tested in five countries in Africa.
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of health education initiatives to increase knowledge and improve attitudes and behaviors in response to rising HIV incidence.
This publication focuses on announcing websites dealing with adolescent reproductive and sexual health. It contains around 45 websites selected from among numerous sites on the Internet as of May 1999.
Zambia is currently experiencing one of the worst HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world, one result being that between one-third and one-quarter of the children aged below 15 have lost one or both parents.
This document highlights factors which increase the risk of HIV infection for young people and concludes with a number of principles for success for future work to prevent HIV infection among young people in developing countries.