Passion for Rights. Ten years of fighting for sexual and reproductive health
Passion for Rights.
Passion for Rights.
Sexual Health, HIV and AIDS is the first booklet in a serie of two booklet produced by the Child-to-Child Trust. It provides information and ideas for teaching children and young people about sexual health, HIV and AIDS.
This toolkit was published by Save the Children in 2004. It presents the peer education as one of the solution for children and adolescents' needs on skills and information on how to protect their sexual and reproductive health and reduce their vulnerability to HIV and AIDS.
Peer education is an informal educational method which can be used as a preventive strategy in order to limit the spread of HIV/AIDS/STI and drug use.
Cette brochure a été conçue pour des personnes qui viennent d'apprendre leur séropositivité. Elle a pour but de les aider à faire face à cette situation angoissante en mettant à leur disposition des informations sur la maladie et des témoignages de personnes qui ont vécu la même chose.