Take care of those you love, Namibia
This booklet is one in a series prepared during the UNESCO-DANIDA training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV and AIDS prevention for southern African countries.
This booklet is one in a series prepared during the UNESCO-DANIDA training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV and AIDS prevention for southern African countries.
Almost a quarter of a century on into the AIDS epidemic, many universities have not fully grasped the fact of their HIV/AIDS condition and its implications for their continued effective functioning.
The book describes a variety of youth development and after-school programmes designed to help reduce teen pregnancy and discusses research on the causes of teen pregnancy and the effectiveness of past programmes.
The report presents the findings of an international comparative analysis of age at marriage and age at first birth, marital instability, informal unions, and teenage reproductive behaviour, with emphasis on trends over the past decade.
This document describes lessons learnt from the Caribbean Education Sector HIV/AIDS Response Capacity Building Technical Cooperation Project.
The Conference on HIV/AIDS and the education sector - the Education Coalition against HIV/AIDS- was held from 31 May to 1 June 2002.
The document "HIV/AIDS: The Power of Education" transcribes the speeches pronounced by different specialists at the opening ceremony of the UNICA/UWI/UNESCO Conference on HIV/AIDS and Education, in October 29, 2003.
This report examines the education component of the AIDS Surveillance and Education Project (ASEP) and its role in helping to keep the Philippines AIDS epidemic low and slow. It reviews the achievements of the education component and the lessons learned from ten years of the ASEP experience.
The goal of "GIFT for RH" project is to increase the ability of illiterate and out-of-school adolescent girls aged 10-19 living in remote regions of Nepal to make and act on informed decisions regarding their reproductive health and rights as well as to make the community and their peer
A report of technical meeting co-sponsored by USAID Office of HIV/AIDS, the Institute for Youth Development, and YouthNet/Family Health International held in Washington DC on July 24, 2003.