Guidelines for supporting sexual and gender diversity in schools. Sexuality discrimination and homophobic bullying
It is a fundamental right of every child and young person to feel safe in their school environment.
It is a fundamental right of every child and young person to feel safe in their school environment.
All children have the right to attend school and be actively engaged in their education without obstacles. Child-friendly environments are necessary for all children to thrive while at school.
This guidance was developed based on experience sharing and problem solving from an expert meeting on Methodologies for Obtaining Strategic Information on Young People at Higher Risk of HIV Exposure, held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 3rd to 5th of September, 2012.
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) regional office for the Pacific in Fiji commissioned this review of education sector responses to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in four Pacific countries: Fiji, Kiribati, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.
Introduction: This paper reports changes in behavioral outcomes related to the use of HIV testing service of a project that employed peer-based education strategies and integration of HIV voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services targeting young peop
This report examines the findings of an external assessment of the A+ programme, an innovative IPPF youth-led programme funded by Danida. The A+ programme was implemented by IPPF’s Member Associations in 16 countries across Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Central America.
The Essential Health Care Programme (EHCP) is a successful response to a number of serious health problems facing Philippine children.
This report covers a focus group discussion on HIV and AIDS information needs among university students in Jakarta and Papua as well as the report of the establishment of an HIV Prevention for youth E-learning course using video conference and webinar for the university students.
This report summarizes findings and recommendations of a year-long exercise undertaken by the Women’s Refugee Commission and Save the Children - in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to map existing adolescent
The Department of Health (DOH) embarked on a Project entitled Development of Behavior Change Communication (BCC) Strategy for Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy as part of its Adolescent and Youth Health and Development (AYHD) Program.