HIV/AIDS-Related Knowledge, Attitudes and Sexual Behaviors as Predictors of Condom Use Among Young Adults in Croatia
This report looks at data from a multistage probability sample of 1,093 Croatian youth aged 18-24 years in 2005.
This report looks at data from a multistage probability sample of 1,093 Croatian youth aged 18-24 years in 2005.
The study examined the implementation of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in Irish postprimary schools. This research is the most comprehensive study of relationships and sexuality education conducted in Ireland to date.
This paper is a collection, both previously published and new, describing efforts in the Asia/Pacific region to target young women with HIV prevention health messages.
This paper examines the impact of HIV and AIDS on education in the Greater Mekong Subregion using thje Ed-SIDA model, looking at the demand for and the supply of education.
SRE in schools is and has been of concern to young people to UKYP's knowledge, for at least seven years.
This companion publication summarizes the guidelines and recommendations contained in the main Policy Guide "Guide for Developing Policies on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Young People in Europe".
This study addresses one of the greatest challenges of our time: the damage caused by HIV and AIDS to the well-being of children and families.
Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Women and Adolescent Girls living with HIV. Research Report on Qualitative Findings from Brazil, Ethiopia and the Ukraine is a document developed by EngenderHealth with the support of UNFPA.
The aim of this research was to explore the attitudes and experiences of students, parents, teachers and school principals regarding homophobic bullying in second-level schools.
Strengthening linkages for sexual and reproductive health, HIV and AIDS: progress, barriers and opportunities is a report produced by the Health Resource Centre on behalf of the the British Government's Department for International Development in 2006.