Children Orphaned by AIDS: front-line responses from eastern and southern Africa
This document examines the way in which the AIDS epidemic is devastating the lives of children and adolescents throughout sub-Saharan Africa.
This document examines the way in which the AIDS epidemic is devastating the lives of children and adolescents throughout sub-Saharan Africa.
This study provides examples of successful strategies for motivating adolescents to avoid unprotected intercourse in order to reduce the incidence of unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV of adolescents in Zambia.
This report documents an assessment of UNICEF Programming in Zambia for Children and Children Affected by HIV/AIDS. This was in response to the publication of Children on the Brink which represented a "wake up call" for the international development community on several levels.
This study is an effort to identify low-cost HIV/AIDS awareness programs in in-school as well as community-based settings that target school-age children and particularly adolescent and pre-adolescent youth.
This document is one of the materials developed during the course of the "Kafue Adolescent Reproductive Health Project" (KARHP) in Zambia. It is designed to train and guide parents and older educators in leading community-based education sessions with community members.
This randomized controlled community trial aimed to see whether an education program could reduce children's risk of contracting HIV and improve their tolerance of people living with HIV and AIDS.
This document is a synopsis of information available on pilot projects initiated jointly by WHO and UNESCO. The document provides a justification and the rationale for education on AIDS at school. It looks at the formulation and design of projects.
This document is a synthesis report on a workshop on the impact of HIV/AIDS on education that was held at the IIEP in December 1993.
CHANGES worked with the Zambian Ministries of Education, Health (MOH), and Community Development and Social Services (MCDSS) to develop the School Health and Nutrition (SHN) component, a first step in the development of a national school health and nutrition policy and the integration of health i
The report, The Crisis in the Classroom: The State of the World’s Toilets 2018, reveals the countries where children are struggling most to access a toilet at school and at home, and highlights those that have made good progress.