Cash Versus In-Kind: Households' Preferences in the Ghana School Feeding Programme
Where do caregivers of school children stand on the perennial debate on cash versus in-kind transfers for social protection and human capital development?
Where do caregivers of school children stand on the perennial debate on cash versus in-kind transfers for social protection and human capital development?
This paper shines a light on sexual violence in education settings. It covers forced, non-consensual or exploitative sexual acts perpetrated in, around or related to an education setting.
The case studies from Mozambique, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe featured in this brief show how catalytic funding can be instrumental to address gender-based violence in and around schools in a short period of time.
The announcement in 2023 of a new policy to provide free school meals to every primary aged child in state-funded schools in London was a significant milestone in school food policy in England. It meant that an additional 270,000 children across London were newly entitled.
Adolescent pregnancies pose a risk to young mothers and their babies. In Zambia, one third of 18-year-old girls have given birth. Poverty, low secondary school enrolment, misinformation, and community norms contribute to early childbearing.
The YouthWise project’s overall aim is that adolescent and young people living with HIV (AYPLHIV), in all their diversity, are able to practise self-care and fulfil their SRHR and HIV needs, in a supportive and respectful environment.
The ‘What Works to Prevent Violence - Impact at Scale’ Programme is a seven-year initiative funded by the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office on prevention of violence against women and girls, focused on learning about how to take small-scale evidence-based approaches to scale.
Cases of teenage pregnancies and child marriages remain high in Kenya, and specific counties, continue to battle the ever-rising cases of teenage pregnancies.
The Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland study is a sequel to the 2016 LGBTIreland study which highlighted that although many of the participants within LGBTQI+ communities were experiencing positive wellbeing, a sizable minority were experiencing high levels of mental distress and mental health challenges.
Approximately one billion children experience some form of physical, sexual or psychological violence or neglect each year. Globally, one in three learners reports experiencing bullying in the previous month, and more than three learners were involved in physical fights between peers last year.