How to conduct effective pretests: ensuring meaningful BCC messages and materials
The handbook is meant to help field level planners and implementors conduct simple, effective pretests of BCC materials for HIV/AIDS prevention.
The handbook is meant to help field level planners and implementors conduct simple, effective pretests of BCC materials for HIV/AIDS prevention.
The handbook is meant to help organizations implement HIV/AIDS care and support projects using behaviour change communication techniques.
Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities can be very effective in changing high-risk behaviours. This guide describes the steps in HIV/AIDS IEC planning, implementation and evaluation.
The main objective of the handbook is to help field level planners and implementors use mass media as a part of their overall communication strategy.
This manual was prepared to help trainers respond to the gender-related needs of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It facilitates the acquisition of knowledge and skills relating to the gender dimension of HIV/AIDS among trainers. It consists of 4 major sections.
The handbook was developed to help service providers and health workers strengthen the reproductive health care and services offered to young women and men. It focuses primarily on preventing unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS.
This training module is part of a series of slide presentations entitled Reproductive Health Series (RH) covering information about reproductive health of young adults. It includes script of information designed to accompany eighty-three 35 mm.
The handbook focuses on how you can work with media to draw attention to any issues aiming at social change.
The handbook is meant to help planners and implementors look at the effectiveness of the Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) HIV/AIDS prevention interventions.
The booklet introduces some basic rules and techniques of how to get the best out of the media: how to contact the media, writing a media release, difficulties in dealing with the media, etc.