Dossier de synthèse : Le bien-être à l’école
Le Centre national d’étude des systèmes scolaires (Cnesco) organise un cycle de conférences de comparaisons internationales (CCI) en partenariat avec France Éducation international.
Le Centre national d’étude des systèmes scolaires (Cnesco) organise un cycle de conférences de comparaisons internationales (CCI) en partenariat avec France Éducation international.
The ECOWAS Conference on Homegrown School Feeding, titled "Investing in Homegrown School Feeding to Strengthen Human Capital, Women's Economic Empowerment, and Contribute to Economic Development," served as a pivotal gathering of over 70 technical experts and government officials.
The 23rd annual Global Child Nutrition Forum brought together over 240 school meal program leaders from around the world for discussion, exchange, and peer-to-peer support.
Everyone deserves access to healthy, affordable food and quality nutrition care. This access is hindered by deeper inequities that arise from unjust systems and processes that structure everyday living conditions.
antérieures du CNA sur le sujet, en identifiant notamment les actions phares aujourd'hui mises en place par les parties prenantes. Il a ensuite défini des priorités d'actions.
The Declaration calls the Member States, civil society and international organizations to act urgently to address health inequalities and improve the social and economic determinants of health.
Health and education are symbiotic. What affects one affects the other. The healthy child learns better just as the educated child leads a healthier life. Similarly, a healthier environment—physically as well as socially-emotionally—provides for more effective teaching and learning.
The outcome of the Ninth Global Conference on Health Promotion (Shanghai, 21 to 24 November 2016), which is jointly organized by the Government of China and WHO, under the auspices of a Scientific Advisory Group and Conference Organizing Committee, is a concise Shanghai Declaration on Health Prom