Salud, sexualidad y VIH/SIDA: actualización para el debate con los docentes
Manual para profesores que deseen promover en los adolescentes conductas de cuidado hacia su propio cuerpo, su salud personal y la salud de su entorno.
Manual para profesores que deseen promover en los adolescentes conductas de cuidado hacia su propio cuerpo, su salud personal y la salud de su entorno.
Informe de derechos humanos de las mujeres en el Perú, para el periodo 2002-2003, en el que se analiza la vigencia formal y realá de los derechos humanos de las mujeres a una vida sin violencia tanto en el espacio público como en el privado.
This year's State of the World Population report examines the adolescents' condition, in the context of changing social norms and lifestyles, including weakening of family support systems, amid globalization and urbanization.
Estudio sobre el uso de preservativo en jóvenes. La percepción de riesgo en este grupo y la formulación de políticas y mercadeo social que deben fomentar su uso, incluyendo consideraciones de género.
Partnering with men is emerging as an important strategy for improving reproductive health. This new publication offers guidance on effective and gender-sensitive ways to engage men in the reproductive and sexual health of themselves and their partners.
Estudio sobre la situación general de las ITS y VIH/sida en pueblos originarios de América Latina.
Este documento presenta la política nacional de salud sexual y reproductiva (SSR) para el periodo 2002 a 2006.
The World Food Programme (WFP) is helping to secure the safety and well-being of orphans and other vulnerable children. WFP's nutritional support to children and their parents brings hope into lives made uncertain by the disease.
This booklet examines the impact of HIV/AIDS on young people, looking at why they are being hit by the epidemic. It puts forward some ideas for HIV/AIDS prevention education and lists some principles for working with young people.
This paper presents an authoritative overview of the relationship between HIV/AIDS and the education sector. Set against the backcloth of international commitments, actions and targets, it looks at what is known about the impact of HIV/AIDS on education.