Salud reproductiva de los adolescentes
Breve informe de United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) sobre la salud reproductiva para comunidades en crisis: los adolescentes.
Breve informe de United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) sobre la salud reproductiva para comunidades en crisis: los adolescentes.
The document summarizes priority areas for WHO action based on global evidence. Improving the health and development of children and adolescents means that WHO will need to shape its implementation of the strategy to the epidemiological needs of specific regions and countries.
This year's State of the World Population report examines the adolescents' condition, in the context of changing social norms and lifestyles, including weakening of family support systems, amid globalization and urbanization.
The booklet provides an overview of Vietnamese adolescent and youth situation in different aspects such as demographic profile, education, employment, reproductive health, and youth involvement in reproductive health.
Estudio sobre la situación general de las ITS y VIH/sida en pueblos originarios de América Latina.
Investigación sobre prácticas y actitudes de los jóvenes sobre VIH/SIDA y consumo de medios de comunicación entre adolescentes escolarizados de 12 a 18 años en Palmira, Colombia.
La problemática de las ITS y VIH/SIDA en jóvenes y adolescentes desplazados en Colombia (rango de 15 a 24 años). Informe de proyecto de educación para esta población. Estadísticas, modelo de educación, objetivos.
The report examines how seven countries: the United States, Iran, The Netherlands, Mexico, India, Ghana and Mali have responded to reproductive health needs of their young people.
El presente documento sirve de guía para el análisis de la masculinidad y su relación con la salud reproductiva en adolescentes y jóvenes varones.
"Partnering" shows how a global consensus is emerging on how to scale up successful programmes that involve men without diverting scarce resources from women's health.