Situational analysis on early and unintended pregnancy in Eastern and Southern Africa
The situational analysis presents the latest data on the magnitude of Early and unintended pregnancy (EUP) and the impact on girls’ education in the ESA region.
The situational analysis presents the latest data on the magnitude of Early and unintended pregnancy (EUP) and the impact on girls’ education in the ESA region.
This regional report documents promising practices and lessons learned, from four West African countries (Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal and Togo), and proposes key recommendations to be shared with all countries in the region.
The Assessment of Adolescent and Youth-Friendly Health Services in the East and Southern Africa Region (2015-2017) was undertaken with the purpose of conducting a review of existing adolescent and youth-friendly health services (AYFHS) policies, guidelines, protocols and standards, and assessing
This briefing paper summarises the state of current knowledge and programming on teenage pregnancy in Sierra Leone and identifies some key gaps.
The theory of change behind the Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP) posited that adolescent girls are empowered by building social, health, and economic assets that they can then draw on to reduce vulnerabilities and expand opportunities.
The theory of change behind the Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP) posited that adolescent girls are empowered by building social, health, and economic assets that they can then draw on to reduce vulnerabilities and expand opportunities.
This brief highlights research that examines the unique experience of adolescent girls by specifically exploring the types of gender-based violence and the drivers of this violence affecting this group within the context of South Sudan, where women and girls experience high levels of gender inequ
This report seeks to explore the unique experience of adolescent girls by examining the types of gender-based violence affecting this group as well as drivers of this violence, within the frame of high levels of gender inequality in South Sudan.
Acceptability and experience of sexual and gender-based violence is alarmingly high among adolescent girls in Zambia. Even more striking is the very young age from which notions of violence are ingrained and experience with violence begins.
The Ghana Cost Benefit Analysis was conducted to bring to the attention of government and other stakeholders in school feeding, the investment returns that school feeding yields, and to see school feeding not just as a cost, but as an investment in the Ghana’s human capital and the economy at lar