An assessment: the situation of children made vulnerable or orphaned in Guyana
The social and economic factors contributing to children of Guyana becoming orphaned or made vulnerable have been cause for major concern.
The social and economic factors contributing to children of Guyana becoming orphaned or made vulnerable have been cause for major concern.
Historias de vida de personas que viven con VIH en distintos países de América Latina. Cada una de estas historias, además, ádesmiente mitos sobreálas personas que viven con VIH y la transmisión de este virus.
This study does not address the level of implementation of HIV/AIDS education, but the framework and conditions set in policies and curricula for curriculum implementation.
El presente análisis procura profundizar la comprensión del estigma y la discriminación en relación con el VIH/SIDA en los servicios de salud de América Latina y el Caribe.
In the 1973 landmark case Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court applied the core constitutional principle of privacy and liberty to a woman’s ability to terminate a pregnancy. In Roe, the Court held that the constitutional right to privacy includes a woman’s right to decide whether to have an abortion.
Mulheres com HIV/AIDS: elementos para construção de direitos e qualidade de vida e um dossiê redigido pelo Instituto Patrícia Galvão com o apoio do Fundo de Desenvolvimento das Nações Unidas para a Mulher, UNIFEM.
Estudio del caso sobre abogacía: Comunicando a Influyentes, en Honduras.
Estudio de caso sobre movilización social: "Concurso Cantar Vida para Prevenir SIDA de Bolivia".
HIV/AIDS is the most devastating disease the world has ever encountered. Although present on every continent, it is not a democratic disease but one that shows a special penchant for the the most vulnerable members of society - women, the poor, and the young.
Summarizes a study that examines whether school HIV/AIDS prevention programs increase knowledge, positive attitudes, and HIV-preventive behaviors. Baseline report (2001) also available.