Comprehensive sex education: a campaign toolkit for HIV advocates
Comprehensive sex education promotes a view of sexuality as a natural par of human development.
Comprehensive sex education promotes a view of sexuality as a natural par of human development.
This document from the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) examines one aspect of HIV transmission in Asia: women at risk of acquiring HIV because they are intimate partners of men with high-risk behaviors.
Over the past 15 years, girls' education in the developing world has been a story of progress.
This resource is part of IPPF's Inspire pack, which offers standards, guidelines and self-assessment guidance on a variety of strategies and activities that contribute to rights-based and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health programming for young people.
Folleto informativo sobre sexualidad en parejas sero-discordantes (donde uno de los miembros vive con VIH y el otro no), cuidados a seguir, uso correcto del preservativo y paternidad.
Girls Speak: A New Voice in Global Development is part of a series of reports on investing in adolescent girls in the developing world. This report examines qualitative data on what girls say about their aspirations across different settings and contexts.
Este documento que ofrece información actualizada y adecuada sobre el proceso de Consejería en VIH/SIDA, así como estrategias y sugerencias que ayudan al o la Consejero/a a ofrecer el servicio con mayor efectividad.
El principal propósito de este folleto es ayudar a los católicos que se esfuerzan por encontrar respuestas a preguntas relacionadas con la fe, la conciencia, la sexualidad y el uso de los condones para prevenir el VIH.
This document focuses on the protection of the rights of women and girls In Ethiopia, that may have a relevance to addressing the vulnerability of women and girls to HIV/AIDS.
Não é possível dissociar direitos humanos do enfrentamento das DST/HIV/aids. O processo de reconhecimento do direito ao acesso universal a prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento constitui importante bandeira de direitos humanos desde o inicio da epidemia.