Report card. HIV prevention for girls and young women: Cambodia
This report card aims to provide a summary of HIV prevention for girls and young women in Cambodia.
This report card aims to provide a summary of HIV prevention for girls and young women in Cambodia.
This report card aims to provide a summary of HIV prevention for girls and young women in Indonesia.
This report card aims to provide a summary of HIV prevention for girls and young women in Nepal.
This report card aims to provide a summart of HIV prevention for girls and young women in Thailand.
As national Ministries of Education, with support from the international donor community, begin making partial strides towards the Millennium Development Goals, the significant issue of school-related violence is largely absent from national education plans and from the priorities of donors.
"Engaging Young People to Prevent the Spread of HIV" is a pilot project implemented by the NGO SPACE (Society for People's Awareness, Care and Empowerment) and supported by UNESCO, New Delhi.
Folleto educativo de prevención del VIH dirigido a público general, publicado en la prensa peruana por el Ministerio de Salud y CONAMUSA.
Because Pakistan is in a concentrated epidemic driven by injecting drug users and male and hijra (transgender) sex workers, a campaign was launched. In addition, Pakistan has one of the largest cohorts of young people in the world - 60% of the nearly 160,000,000 are under the age of 24 years.
Ce livret pédagogique est destiné à des jeunes de 11 à 16 ans, mais il peut être adapté pour des plus jeunes ou pour des adultes.
Las Hojas Informativas son resúmenes informativos con referencias sobre temas específicos de importancia para la prevención del VIH.