Impact of HIV/AIDS on Education Sector in Swaziland: Executive Summary
This paper discusses the issue of HIV/AIDS and education in Swaziland and how the relevant ministry is coping with the problem.
This paper discusses the issue of HIV/AIDS and education in Swaziland and how the relevant ministry is coping with the problem.
A report on the study conducted by Pakistan Voluntary Health and Nutrition Association (PAVHNA) to find out adolescent perceptions regarding sexual and reproductive health.
This volume presents the experiences of Lao PDR in planning and implementing the advocacy and IEC strategies for promoting adolescent reproductive and sexual health programmes.
This case study on the University of Zambia aimed at answering the following questions: In what ways has the University of Zambia been affected by HIV/AIDS? How has the university responded to these impacts?
Efforts to include men and boys in sexual and reproductive health policies and programmes have intensified worldwide in response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
AIDS, other sexually transmitted infections, and unintended pregnancies have reached critical levels in sub-Saharan Africa, creating a need for innovative prevention programs for vulnerable groups.
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) survey was conducted in Chhlong Operational District of Kratie province, Cambodia to find out KAP of women of reproductive age (15-45) with regard to reproduction and pregnancy, contraceptive knowledge and use, fertility preferences, STDs and AIDS, and abo
En este trabajo se analiza las agendas sexosóficas de las políticas de educación sexual basadas "solo" en abstinencia y postergación. Se analiza con datos estadísticos de los países desarrollados la ineficacia de estas políticas. Se propone la formación en autonomía
The document presents applications of different social marketing techniques drawn from on-going projects in developing countries in the field of reproductive health and prevention of HIV/AIDS and STDs.
The compilation contains baseline data gathered by the Cambodia Health Education Media Service (CHEMS). It contains the result and analysis of survey on knowledge, attitude, beliefs and practices of youth in four areas in Cambodia.