Young positives living their rights! Considerations, challenges and opportunities towards universal access to treatment, care and support
The following briefing paper was developed by young people living with HIV.
The following briefing paper was developed by young people living with HIV.
The purpose of the Inside and Out assessment tool is: To review and assess the comprehensiveness and quality of sexuality education programmes both inside and outside school setting (especially programmes run by civil society) based on international evidence and standards of good practice; To gen
This paper examines the evidence on access to conventional schooling for children and young people affected by HIV and AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa and makes recommendations for the further development of the SOFIE Project.
C'est dans le dessein d'apprécier les retombées des enseignements dispensés sur le VIH/SIDA dans les centres NAFA que nous avons choisi d'entreprendre la présente étude.
Parlons du VIH/SIDA, Matériel supplémentaire pour le niveau 4 est un petit livre fournissant des informations de base sur le VIH et le SIDA.
La finalite de l'education au VIH et SIDA et à la santé sexuelle et reproductive est de permettre à la communaute éducative d'adopter des comportements protecteurs et responsables pour leur santé et bien-etre, de se montrer respectueux et solidaires envers les autres dans le but d'
This document looks at how HIV/AIDS is conceptualized as having the potential to affect education through ten different mechanisms i.e.
Documento que explica de manera brave y simple cómo elaborar una campaña de prevención de VIH/SIDA.
This article gives findings of the impact of the epidemic analysed through absolute and relative mortality rates in 8 high prevalence countries.