Aids nas Escolas - Encarte Ciência Hoje
Este documento foi elaborado pelo Ministério da Saúde do Brasil. E um material de apoio à pesquisa dos alunos do Ensino Fundamental (Básico) sobre a temática do HIV/SIDA ensinada em sala de aula.
Este documento foi elaborado pelo Ministério da Saúde do Brasil. E um material de apoio à pesquisa dos alunos do Ensino Fundamental (Básico) sobre a temática do HIV/SIDA ensinada em sala de aula.
Le Programme Santé et Lutte contre le Sida de la GTZ a élaboré avec des adolescents un ensemble de 5 livrets abordant l'adolescence, les relations hommes-femmes, les rapports sexuels, les relations saines, le VIH et sida et la nouvelle génération.
Le Programme Santé et Lutte contre le Sida de la GTZ a élaboré avec des adolescents un ensemble de 5 livrets abordant l'adolescence, les relations hommes-femmes, les rapports sexuels, les relations saines, le VIH et sida et la nouvelle génération.
The GTZ supported Reproductive Health Project of Tanzania developed youth-friendly education materials, with basic facts about human physiology and reproduction, sexuality, prevention of unwanted pregnancies and HIV/STIs, as well as about partnership and communication between partners.
The GTZ supported Reproductive Health Project of Tanzania developed youth-friendly education materials, with basic facts about human physiology and reproduction, sexuality, prevention of unwanted pregnancies and HIV/STIs, as well as about partnership and communication between partners.
The GTZ supported Reproductive Health Project of Tanzania developed youth-friendly education materials, with basic facts about human physiology and reproduction, sexuality, prevention of unwanted pregnancies and HIV/STIs, as well as about partnership and communication between partners.
The document describes gender-sensitive approaches to sexuality and provides selected programme examples based on the International Women's Health Coalition's (IWHC) supported work.
Le Programme Santé et Lutte contre le Sida de la GTZ a élaboré avec des adolescents un ensemble de 5 livrets abordant l'adolescence, les relations hommes-femmes, les rapports sexuels, les relations saines, le VIH et sida et la nouvelle génération.
This document is included in the Policy Brief prepared for the UNAIDS Inter- Agency Task Team on education that provides a "global snapshot" of HIV/AIDS related education material for developing countries.
"Stronger than the storm" is a moving story about dealing with issues of sexual abuse and HIV and AIDS in a sensitive manner. The novel tells the story of a young growing girl in the Cape township of Guguletu.