Relationships and sexuality education in schools: guidance
Guidance on how schools should develop their sex education policy, plan and deliver their relationships and sexuality education provision and work in partnership with others.
Guidance on how schools should develop their sex education policy, plan and deliver their relationships and sexuality education provision and work in partnership with others.
The Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education provide guidance to educators and policy makers for the development and evaluation of comprehensive evidence-based sexual health education in Canada.
This document contains information on what schools should do and sets out the legal duties with which schools must comply when teaching Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education.
Despite international recommendations and supportive evidence, there are few examples of scaled-up and sustained programs to provide adolescents with sexuality education.
This paper provides information on the definition of SDG thematic indicator 4.7.2 “Percentage of schools that provided life skills-based HIV and sexuality education in the previous academic year” and two alternative methods of collection.
L’initiative « CS4FP Plus », avec l’appui de Rutgers, s’est engagée à soutenir le gouvernement du Niger et les organisations de la société civile pour la Planification Familiale (PF) dans la mise en œuvre de programmes d’Education Complète à la Sexualité (ECS) en milieu scolaire et non scolaire a
Les jeunes ont souvent une compréhension très limitée de leur propre santé sexuelle et reproductive et de leurs droits, et sont confrontés à de nombreuses barrières pour accéder aux services qui leur permettraient d’éviter ou de retarder une grossesse, prévenir les Infections Sexuellement Transmi
Le Gouvernement de la Côte d’Ivoire dans le cadre du partenariat de Ouagadougou et les Organisations de la Société Civile pour le repositionnement de la Planification Familiale PF (OSC-PF) avec l’appui technique et le soutien financier des partenaires internationaux se sont engagés dans la mise œ
This report covers the progress made and activities conducted within the second year of the project grant in teacher training colleges and primary schools as part of the Tiphunzitsane! project.
Proponents have promoted sexuality education as a means of empowering adolescents, yet it has been thwarted in many low and middle-income countries. Nigeria represents an exception. Despite social opposition, the government in 1999 unexpectedly approved sexuality education policy.