This Trainers' manual provides a step by step guide on how to train selected teachers for the prevention and management of sexual violence in schools. The manual is intended to enhance knowledge/capacity of teachers to detect, prevent, and support victims of SV in schools to enable children (especially girls) enjoy their right to education, health and life in general. This manual should be used as a step by step guide for training teachers to create a conducive learning environment free from sexual violence against girls. While its focus is on enabling the trained teacher to explore, appreciate and devise ways of preventing SV in schools, it also provides some basic practical information and skills that the teacher can use to counsel, and guide the implementation of a school based peer led program for the prevention of sexual violence in schools. This manual is not meant to provide comprehensive notes for the trainer. It is expected that the users are trained and experienced trainers who can utilize the outlined trainers' notes and references to read more widely and be able to deliver well informed and up to date information to the trainees.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation