Choosing the best approach to drug education is a key task for all stakeholders in the field of prevention. This proposal aims to reduce repetition and minimize class disruptions whilst ensuring that effective drug prevention programmes are in place.
The proposal also aims to give clear guidelines on how the different stakeholders can complement each other’s
interventions within a school setting. Prevention programmes provide practical tools to educate children and young persons about substance abuse. These programmes also address the short and long term impacts of substance abuse on students. Drugs (including medicines, volatile substances, alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs) can undermine one’s emotional and social life, health and academic performance. Drug education programmes should therefore focus on both the informative and formative aspects so that children and young persons are given the opportunity to develop the necessary skills to deal with such issues. This can be done through area specific as well as transversal outcomes.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation