The second edition of the International Barometer of Education Staff, with its 26,000 participants from 11 territories on 4 continents, highlights even more clearly than the first edition the wide diversity of working conditions and experiences of education workers around the world. It also points to the room for improvement in terms of their well-being, as close as possible to local realities. Education staff in some areas enjoy more favourable conditions than others, particularly in terms of the working environment and digital tools. However, working time indicators, the lack of recognition and support, the imbalance between advantages and disadvantages and between professional and personal life, and the level of violence at work are almost universally worrying. In 2023, the quality of life and health indicators for education staff are very mixed, drawing attention to the deep malaise among staff in some areas. Most staff still agree with the statement "if I had to do it all over again, I would choose my job again", illustrating their commitment and resilience despite the many challenges. Among the countries that have taken part in the two editions of I-BEST, the evolution of the situation over 2 years is variable, but points in the direction of a certain return to equilibrium after the COVID-19 pandemic, which shook the organization of schools and tested teachers, as I-BEST 2021 showed. Across the world, education staff are calling for more training, more career development opportunities, more recognition for their work and better attention to their health: professional medical check-ups and access to training and prevention resources on health and well-being. Given the major short- and longer-term societal impact of the well-being of education staff, it must continue to be a priority to monitor it over time in different areas, to compare views and perspectives, and to identify areas for improvement in a responsive and appropriate manner.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation